Friday, May 20, 2016

Glow worm cave, New Zealand

Glow-worm-cave-new-zealandThe Waitomo Glowworm Caves attraction is a cave at Waitomo on the North Island of recent island, known for its population of glowworms, Arachnocampa luminosa. This species is found exclusively in New island. They are round the size of a mean two-winged insects. This cave is part of the Waitomo Caves system that has the Ruakuri Cave and also the Aranui Cave.

The attraction has a modern visitant centre at the doorway, largely designed in wood. There are organized tours that embody a boat ride below the glowworms.


The name "Waitomo" comes from the Māori words wai, water and tomo, hole or shaft. The native Māori individuals had best-known concerning the caves for quite some time before the local Māori Chief Tane Tinorau Associate in Nursingd an English surveyor, Fred Mace, did an intensive exploration in 1887. Their exploration was conducted with candlelight on a raft going into the cave wherever the stream goes underground. This is now the door for the cave. As they began their journey, they came across the Glowworm cave and were astonished by the twinkling glow returning from the ceiling. As they travelled any into the cave by poling themselves towards Associate in Nursing hill, they were also surprised by the stone formations. These formations surrounded them in all shapes and sizes.

They returned several times once and Chief Tane severally discovered the higher level entrance to the cave, which is currently the current entrance. Tane Tinorau and his wife Huti, by 1889, had opened the cave to visitors and were leading teams for a tiny fee. The administration of the cave was taken over by the govt. in 1906 after there was Associate in Nursing step-up in devilry. In 1910, the Waitomo Caves Hotel was designed to house the various guests.

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